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Our Story

George Buck, owner of Redwood Burls, is a living legend in the Redwood Burl industry of Northern California. Buck’s Redwood Burl business developed from landscaping company in the Carmel Valley area in 1967.

While working on a project in Pebble Beach, his clients needed some landscaping stones and driftwood. George drove North searching for the right pieces. On this particular trip to Northern California, he saw workers cutting redwood slabs and instantly fell in love with burl wood.

George then bought a chainsaw and learned really fast that he needed to sharpen it. Proof that he was a newbie to the game, but not for long. He cut several burl slabs, took them back to Carmel Valley, and the response was tremendous.

With that, George opened several stores all over the California Coast. He had stores from Laguna Beach to Santa Barbara, Big Sur to Carmel, Cannery Row to Sausalito, San Francisco to Eureka and several more along the way.

His fine woodwork can be found in galleries all over the US. He has been a supplier of fine reclaimed redwood to artisans & craftsmen worldwide. After 50 years of redwood, George’s expertise in this field has led to the success of many new artists and redwood burl business owners in the industry. George also taught others the trade and sponsored families from Vietnam, of which many went on to become some of the leading carvers in the world & owned businesses as well. They have now passed this skill onto their kin, forever changing the course of their family’s legacy.

George Buck is truly a legend and one of the originators of the redwood burl industry. He is an artist who knows the process from decades of hands-on involvement at every level of the business. Found in each and every redwood piece today, is his love and enthusiasm for the craft.