How We Collect Wood
For our offerings at Redwood Burl Source, we do not harvest standing trees. All the wood slabs and burls that we offer have been salvaged from trees that were already cut decades ago, usually 100 years ago.
Much of the Redwood that is prized today was discarded by the lumber industry back then for being too figured or too irregular, which is exactly what we love about it today.
This amazing wood could be discovered in several ways. It was washed up on beaches in the form of burl-rich root masses, shown below.
This is back when that was not prohibited. Now, removing wood from beaches is usually illegal.

Stumps left over from logging long ago can yield very fine burlwood and could be salvaged with permission. Shown below, accessing an ancient old-growth Redwood stump, logged off around the turn of the century, for salvage cuts of beautiful figured wood.

Once the wood burls and slabs are salvaged, we removed the wood with cranes and flatbed trucks to the mill yard for powerwashing, cleaning, sorting, drying, and processing.

How did we handle enormous pieces of wood like this? How about a HUGE chainsaw (below) and a mobile chainsaw mill for slabbing out the Redwood. Then the wood slabs and burls can be stacked for drying and sales.